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Learning Curve.....

Well...we are off to planning for the new THAGS year. As you have experienced with our survey that disappeared, the road is not exactly straight ahead. But we will keep trying.

In case anyone is interested, we are looking for a new webmaster. Anyone...really anyone...want to help?

Back to the survey, if you never did get are the questions. You can always let us know your responses by emailing

Yea for Summer-- THAGS Members. The THAGS board is planning for next year. We are looking for your input. Please respond to this survey and help us know how we can provide a society that serves your needs. Survey asks about Communication, Technical Help, and Salt Lake Library trip interest. Feel free to email with comments or questions.

COMMUNICATION: Are you receiving regular email communications from THAGS?

  • Yes

  • No

COMMUNICATION: From September to May, did you receive the ZOOM link to monthly meetings?

  • Yes

  • No

COMMUNICATION: Do you have a working username and password to access the members’ section of the THAGS website (

  • Yes

  • No

TECHNICAL HELP: Do you need any technical help in order to access ZOOM meetings (Sept-May)?

  • Yes

  • No

TECHNICAL HELP: Do you need any technical help in order to access the member section of the THAGS website?

  • Yes

  • No

SALT LAKE FAMILYSEARCH LIBRARY RESEARCH TRIP: Are you interested in joining in on a trip to the FamilySearch Library? We usually pick dates. Everyone purchases their own airfares. We try to arrange for society rate rooms at Plaza Hotel, next to the library. We usually go for about a week. If interested, indicate date preference...or email in other ideas

  • Fall, October 1-8 ish 2023

  • RootsTech2024, dates would include Feb 29-Mar 2

  • Spring, April 11-20 ish 2024

  • Other:


We often get emails from other societies and organizations with information about upcoming genealogy programs. We post this information at the end of our blog posts as seen below:

Dear gen societies and other family history groups,

Hey - it's time for our June Texas Connect Extra event! We are excited to have Janine Cloud from FamilyTreeDNA present and help attendees understand more about using DNA in their family history research. Event: Texas Connect Extra: More Than Just Ethnicity - How Y-DNA and mtDNA Can Help Your Research Date: Saturday, 17 June 2023 Time: 10am - 11am CDT RSVP: Zoom link: Please feel free to post and share the attached flyer. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at the details below. Or contact Michele Bailey at the following: Michele Bailey 903-681-1198 Thank you!

Friday, June 16, 2023

2 PM – 3 PM

Ah, the family reunion – one of the oldest, but potentially one of the most enjoyable family traditions. A time for sharing and embellishing old family stories, greeting the relatives that you only see once a year, seeing the new crop of babies since the last reunion. For some families this is an annual joyous occasion; for others, this a yearly war. As happy genealogists, our goal is obviously to make it not only a joyous occasion, but a bountiful harvest of information as well. This is an online event. Event URL will be sent via registration email.

Presented by Diana Crisman Smith

Have Questions? Contact us at or 832-393-2600


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