BE SURE TO JOIN US...CHRISTMAS SOCIAL....Send in your dinner reservation now.

We are looking forward to seeing each of you IN PERSON at our Christmas Social. Remember, your dinner payment needs to be received by November 30th. So don't delay...send it today via check in the mail or via paypal at (click Activities, then In-person socials).
Many of you have already sent in your dinner payment. THANKS. It will be a great evening.
The dinner is catered. But if you have a special holiday dish or treat you really want to share, feel free to bring it. No pressure...just an option.
This is a great opportunity to see the Humble Museum and our THAGS library!
Note from Karen R: A sign-up genie hopefully went out for a bit of set-up help. First attempt at sign-up genie. If it doesn't work, we will try something else.
There is still room to join us on our next bus trip, Tuesday, November 28, 2023 to Clayton Library. Contact Pam Walton if you are interested.
Mark your calendars for our spring bus trips. Here are the dates:

Tuesday, January 23, 2024
Tuesday, February 27, 2024
Tuesday, April 2, 2024
THAGS-- THANK YOU and Openings to Serve
Have you considered how you can help THAGS? We currently have several openings and are looking for members who are willing to give it a go and help out.
We want to say a big THANK YOU to Kori Faddis who has been serving as Board Member #1. Due to some health challenges and other family commitments, Kori is unable to continue in this assignment. So, we are looking for a replacement. The job entails joining us for board meetings from 6-7 PM on the second Monday of the month prior to the regular meeting. Interested? Give Karen Rasmussen a call or send an email. 281-706-4161,,
We also have an opening for a webmaster. It is an opportunity to learn a new skill. Interested? Give us a call or send an email.
THANKS for being a part of THAGS.