THAGS Weekly News Update

Clayton Library Bus Trip
Join Us...Tues, Sept 26
9:15 AM - 4:15 PM
Contact Pam Walton for more information.
Writer's Circle
Wednesday, September 27, 2023
1:30 PM
Join us upstairs in the meeting room at Kingwood Library
Come prepared to share what you are thinking you would like to write about.
October General THAGS Meeting
Monday, October 9, 2023 7:00 PM ZOOM
the zoom invite will be emailed to you.
Presentation: Is Your Tree Broken?
Feeling trapped and no where to go?

Bad, weak, or missing evidence all contribute to misleading research.
Presenter: J. Mark Lowe
Lunch Bunch In-Person Outing
Monday, October 16, 2023
Skeeters Restaurant, 11:30 or a speck earlier
4121 W. Lake Houston Pkwy, Kingwood
Hope ya'll can join us.
Texas State Genealogical Society's Upcoming Conference

If you plan to attend the above conference, please register using the TIPS code: THAGS
This will earn our society $10 for each person who registers at the standard or all-in-one level.
Salt Lake City FamilySearch Library Research Trip
March 3-10, 2024
Enjoy all the benefits or researching IN the FamilySearch Library
Contact Patsy McLaughlin for more information