Just around the Corner....our Summer Social BBQ
Date: Monday, July 8, 2024 Time: 6 PM Where: Spring Creek BBQ 5613 FM 1960, Atascocita We hope you are all having a wonderful sizzling...

We hope you all have a fun and safe Summer and look forward to our general meetings resuming in the Fall. In the meantime, here are some...

Our THAGS year is winding down, and we will soon break for the summer. Don't miss these last two opportunities to join with your friends...

Spring is here!
Even though it's raining . . . there are plenty of opportunities to do family history and be with your fellow members of The Humble Area...

Another Fun and Successful Research Trip!
Members of The Humble Area Genealogical Society completed their research trip to the Salt Lake FamilySearch Library today. It was a...

RootsTech is happening now! March 1 & 2
RootsTech is going on right now. You may want to hop on https://www.familysearch.org/en/rootstech/ and see if there is something that...

Reminders . . .
Salt Lake Family History Library Pre-Trip Class: Thursday, 8 February 2024 1:30 PM, Kingwood FHC 4021 Deerbrook, Kingwood Join Zoom...

Mark Your Calendars for February's THAGS events:
8 February 2024, Thursday, Salt Lake FamilySearch Research Trip Pre-Trip Meeting Kingwood Family History Center, 4021 Deerbrook, Kingwood,...

This week with THAGS
WELCOME TO OUR NEW MEMBERS! We would like to welcome Diana, Linda, Kay, Vicky, and any other new members to The Humble Area Genealogical...

January General Meeting...THIS COMING MONDAY
MONDAY, January 8, 2024 7:00 PM, via ZOOM THAGS General Meeting Presentation: DNA, Use in Genealogy, Beginner Presenter: Gale French You...